A first-year graduate student, Yu-Lin (Nick) Hsu, won a Student Award at M&M (Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference; https://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2021/). We also congratulate our former graduate student, Kaden Powell, who had initiated this work.
Their project focuses on hybrid metal-halide perovskite solar cells. M&M is the largest international microscopy conference, often having over 1600 attendees. We are so proud of them. We thank our collaborators (Dr. Chongwen Li, Prof. Yanfa Yan at University of Toledo).
- MSA site: https://www.microscopy.org/awards/onsiteawards.cfm
- ECE News: https://www.ece.utah.edu/2021/08/12/ece-students-awarded-for-research-poster/
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under the DE-FOA-0002064 program award number DE-EE0008985 and the National Science Foundation (NSF CAREER 5850323).