We attended the EMC conference and gave talks. Along with the technical discussions, we enjoyed the beautiful summer time and the festival at Ann Arbor, MI.
2019 06 Having fun with solar cars (Hi-GEAR)
Yoon research group hosted high-school campers participating the Hi-GEAR program (High School-Girls Engineering Abilities Realized) at the University of Utah. We assembled solar cars and watched them working under sunlight. A nice sunny day was perfect for exploring the integrated technology (solar + robotics).
2019 05 Advanced Materials Interfaces
“Water‐Assisted Liftoff of Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe Thin Films Using Heterogeneous Interfacial Engineering“, D. Magginetti1, J. Aguiar1,2, J. Winger1, M. Scarpulla1,3, E. Pourshaban2, H. Yoon1,3, Advanced Materials Interfaces 1900300, 2019.
1. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
2. Nuclear Materials Department, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA
3. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
2019 05 David gives a PhD proposal presentation.
Congratulations David, passing your PhD proposal exam.
2019 05 Visiting Bryant Middle School
Dr. Yoon and David visited Bryant Middle School (Salt Lake City, UT) and gave a talk on “Small Things (nanoscale)”. We thank Amy in the College of Engineering at the University of Utah and Principal Smith for organizing the time. Hope to meet the middle school students again soon.
2019 04 Katrina gives a presentation at the ACCESS Research Symposium.
Katrina (first year undergraduate student) has been working with David to create a suitable testing apparatus for outdoor PV characterizations. She designed the structure using SolidWorks and fabricated it using a 3D printer. She also performed the PV measurements using this apparatus.
2019 04 I would say… (Technical Open-House)
Every year, the ECE Department organizes the Technical Open-House (see details) for undergraduate students. Dr. Yoon encourages students in her class (ECE 3200: Introduction to Semiconductor Device Physics) to attend this exciting event. Here are some reviews from the students attending the Technical Open-House this year.
The presenters were knowledgeable, confident, and concise. Their use of a large screen to step through the presentation provided clarity and good flow. I appreciated that they took the time to understand the level of understanding their audience would have and broke down highly technical items into bite-sized pieces of information
(taken/described by Todd Renner)
2019 03 Expecting Oral Presentations at EMC (Electronic Materials Conference)
Two papers were accepted for oral presentation at EMC in June 2019. Good job, David and Erfan!
2019 01 Welcome Katrina!
We welcome Katrina Le, a first-year undergrad student (ACCESS Program). She will be working with David to run photovoltaic measurements outside.
2019 01 Invention Disclosure by David and Dr. Yoon.
David and Dr. Yoon have filed an invention discloser related to free-standing optoelectronic thin-film materials. David’s persistence made this happen. Thank you, David!