2018 05 Congratulations Yang and Dean!

Yang and Dean received their BS degree today. Lots of congratulations! Yang will continue her MS program at the U. Dean is seeking for a job near Salt Lake City. If you are looking for one of our best graduates (Dean’s list), here is one of them (Dean Collett: deanacollett@gmail.com).

2017 09 Dr. Yoon teaches a new course (eMicroscopy)

[ECE 6960-006] Advanced Electron Microscopy for Semiconductor Devices
Lecture: Wednesday / Thursday 2:00 pm ~ 2:50 pm
Prelab Friday 2:00 pm ~ 2: 50 pm
Lab: Tuesday (2-hour labs at the Nanofab; details: TBA)

Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to introduce the students to both the theory and practical use of modern scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for micro/nano materials and devices. We will start from the principle of electron microscopy, proceed to the description of conventional and advanced modern technique, and evaluate advantages and disadvantages of each method.

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2017 06 * Welcome Andrew!

We welcome Andrew Baker, an REU student from Clarion University (Clarion, PA). Andy is only a junior student, yet he has received several prestigious fellowships, including Karl and Inge Sendler Scholarship, William Hart Scholarship, and Paul Shank Scholarship. We are happy to work with him this summer. Andy will be working on 3-D compositional characterization of BSTS using an electron beam. He will be working with Dean and David. Welcome Andy!