Five undergrad students (Donggi, Jin, Donghun, Seok, and Yunghwan) from the University of Utah Asia Campus ( are visiting the main campus for two weeks. Today, the students had a lab tour of our lab. Our undergrad researchers, Miranda (left) and Olivia (right), gave a lab tour and showed their experimental set-ups for PV measurements. We enjoyed the discussions. Hope to see them again in the future soon.
2021 07 Dr. Yoon Appointed to URC
Electrical and computer engineering associate professor Heayoung Yoon was recently appointed to the University Research Committee (URC) for a second, three-year term beginning July 2021. Yoon is one of only a handful of faculty to serve in this position twice.
Yoon said she enjoys the exposure to other departments and colleges that working on the research committee provides. She believes that research should be interdisciplinary and is always looking for opportunities to collaborate and support the work of others.
“I think that exposure to the research of other departments provides very valuable experience, and I’m happy that I was given another opportunity to serve on the committee,” Yoon said.
2021 06 Welcome Miranda!
We welcome a new undergrad researcher, Miranda Cardenas. After taking Dr. Yoon’s ECE 3200 class, Miranda wants to know the application of semiconductor materials and devices. She is working on a solar energy project. We are excited to work with her.
2021 06 EMC Presentation (Kaden, Nick)
Kaden and Nick gave a presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC). The EMC was held online owing to the COVID situation. Thank you for your work.
2021 06 Solar Model Car Competition (Hi-GEAR)
We welcome talented high-school students participating in the Hi-GEAR camp program at the U. The College of Engineering invites students for diverse activities related to research. In the solar car assembly/operation session, students grouped to develop their solar car models. We were amazed to see the optimized solar car design showing an outstanding speed!
This activity is supported by the ECE Department and the College of Engineering. We also acknowledge the external funding agencies, including the U.S. Department of Energy under the DE-FOA-0002064 program award number DE-EE0008985 and the National Science Foundation (NSF CAREER 5850323, NSF ECCS 1711885).
2021 05 COE Convocation
The College of Engineering hosts an in-person Convocation Ceremony on Friday, May 7th at Rice Eccles Stadium for the graduating Class of 2021 and Class of 2020.
We congratulate our our team members (MS: Kaden Powell, MS: Dean Collette)! They deserve it. It was wonderful to see our former team member (BS: Dinorah Segovia).
In the convocation, Dr. Brown (Dean of COE) recognized the NSF CAREER awardees on the stage. Dr. Yoon was one of the recipients.
2021 04 Join us! (Technical Reading & Writing Session)
GradSWE (Graduate Society of Women in Engineering) has been running a series of virtual panel discussions on topics based on the input we got from graduate students in a needs assessment focus group. Our goal is to build a community of women engineers and learn from each other while promoting professional development.
The fifth and final panel of the Spring 2021 Professional Development and Mentorship series is planned for 9th of April on the topic of technical reading and writing. We want to focus on reading literature with purpose, strategies for organizing information, including them in our writing, organizing our article, etc.. Panelists will field questions from the attendees on these topics after introductory remarks.
- Dr. Heather Holmes (Chemical Engineering)
- Dr. Jessica Kramer (Biomedical Engineering)
- Dr. Eliane S. Wiese (School of Computing)
- Dr. Heayoung Yoon (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Date: April 13th, Tuesday, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (MT)
Zoom Meeting ID: 986 1910 5996
2021 03 Kaden’s SRIM Tutorial
Kaden introduces a series of tutorials for SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter; He has developed a MATLAB code to interpret the results in detail. Specifically, Kaden will discuss the impact of Ar ion beam (a typical sample prep technique) to semiconductor materials (e.g., GaAs, CdTe thin film, hybrid perovskite solar cells). This work is supported by DOE and NSF.
[PART 1]
2021 03 We celebrate “International Women’s Day”.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.
Here is some more information. Dr. Cynthia Furse (ECE, U. Utah) gave a presentation on Zoom (PDF file; 2021 0331 Women Inventors).
2021 02 Perovskite Paper for M&M Conference
Yu-Lin and Kaden have submitted a M&M paper ( This project focuses on the e-beam interactions with multilayered perovskite devices. Good job, Yu-Lin and Kaden. We thank our wonderful collaborators, Dr. Chongwen Li and Prof. Yanfa Yan at the University of Toledo.