2017 Nanoscale

Nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy of band gap and defects in polycrystalline photovoltaic devices”, Y. Yoon1, 2, J. Chae1, 2, A. M. Katzenmeyer1, H. P. Yoon1,2,3, J. Schumacher1, S. An1, A. Centronea1, and  N. Zhitenev1, Nanoscale 9, 7771, 2017.

1. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA;
2. Maryland Nanocenter, College Park, Maryland 02421, USA;
3. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA.

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2017 03 * Poster presenation at the GRC (Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology)

Yoon’s research group presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference. “Nanoscale Local Characterizations of Thin-Film CdTe Solar Cells” by Dean Collett (UofU), Jeffery Aguiar (Idaho National Lab), Brian van Devener (Utah’s Nanofab), Yohan Yoon (NIST), Paul Haney (NIST), and Heayoung Yoon.

The conference was full of exciting talks related to energy technology. See here for the details.

2017 02 * Receiving Nanofab’s Seed Grant

We thank Utah’s Nanofab for the generous support. The Utah’s Nanofab provides state-of-the-art fabrication tools and characterization systems. In particular, the dual detectors equipped in the STEM/EDX  offer over 10X higher sensitivity than in a conventional system. It is one to the best EDX systems in the country. This year, a brand new EBSD system with a SSD was installed in the surface characterization lab.

We are very excited working with the tools to investigate the local properties of thin-film solar cells!

STEM: Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscopy
EDX: Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
EBSD: Electron Backscattered Diffraction
SSD: Solid State Detector


2017 Sustainable Energy & Fuels

Deconvoluting the influences of 3D structure on the performance of photoelectrodes for solar-driven water splitting”, D. Esposito1,2, Y. Lee1,3, H. Yoon1,3, P. Haney1, N. Labrador2, T. Moffat1, A. Talin4, and  V. Szalai1, Sustainable Energy Fuels 1, 154, 2017.
1. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA;
2. Department of Chemical Engineering, New York, New York 10027, USA;
3. Maryland Nanocenter, College Park, Maryland 02421, USA;
4. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California 94551, USA

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2017 01 * Dr. Yoon teaches ECE 3200 (Introduction to Semiconductor Physics)

ECE 3200 is a core course for EE major students. Starting from the fundamental atomic structure, we learn the device operations in details. We plan on inviting industry engineers at the end of the semester to learn about the real life problems in semiconductor industry. The students are very much motivated, and I am very happy to work with the students.

(Picture: Students in Spring 2017,  taking Exam 1 in class.)


2017 01 * Congratulations to the Dedicated Undergrad Reserachers!

Yoon’s group is building on the dedication and efforts by highly motivated researchers. The work primarily led by three undergrad students (Eric Snyder, Dean Collett, Zijian Wang) has been accepted for the presentation at the MRS Spring meeting (April 17 -21, 2017; Phoenix, Arizona). For this work, Eric Snyder (ECE senior) has developed MATLAB programs to decouple the complicated electron beam signals on topological insulators.

The University of Utah provides UROP program for well-qualified students, and the MRSEC invites summer REU students.

2016 12 * Gathering with WSU students

We welcome the students from Weber State University (Meagan Parker, Nick Allen). The senior students are working with Prof. Kristin Rabosky  on the projects of perovskite solar cells and SEM-based characterizations. After the campus / facility tour, Yoon’s group students met them at the cafeteria in the Nanofab. We discussed our projects related to SEM. (Naveen Kumar, Meagan Parker, Eric Snyder, Dean Collett, and Nick Allen from the left, clockwise).